miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

The senses!!!

TasteThere are about 10,000 taste buds on the tongue, clustered in papillae (those buttons for all your language). Taste buds are clusters of nerve cell bodies that trace thin grooves in the taste, and appear as microscopic clusters of bananas.
Taste bud
The molecules of the food we eat is mixed with saliva and find their way between rows and on the surfaces of neurons. Like a key fitting into a lock, these molecules open pores in cell membranes and begin the process of neuron firing in much the same way how do neurotransmitters between neurons.
There are only four basic tastes - that is, only four individual molecules which respond to as many neurons in your language:

Salado (most at the end of the tongue)
Dulce (mostly at the tip of the tongue)
Salado (mostly in the front side of the tongue)
Acid (mostly in the rear side of the tongue)
We say "most" because there is no clear boundary here, and all the flavors can be found to some degree in any part of the language, and even in some parts of the inside of your mouth and lips.
There may be a fifth taste: Umami "(in, for example, monosodium glutamate).
Note also that your tongue is sensitive to the touch (hence the idea of ​​texture in food), and temperature and, of course, pain. Jalapeno peppers, for example, have a certain flavor in the ordinary sense, but also provide us with a delicious () sensation of pain. You can find useful to know that if your burning mouth eat peppers, help drinking milk because milk fat dissolve the active chemical (capsaicin), while only water scatters around.
Perhaps the greatest part of our sense of taste is, curiously, the smell ...
Smell and taste work: It is also a sense of "lock and key." This time, it is a matter of moist air that passes through a specialized mucous membrane of the size of a coin on top of the nasal cavity.
Olfactory bulb
With smell, seem to respond to the presence of some combination of seven basic molecules:
FloralMentholatedMuskyAcre (like spices)Camphor (as mothballs)Ethereal (like dry cleaning fluids)Putrid (like rotten eggs)
But we are far from knowing that these are the basic flavors - some researchers think that there are many more.
The chemical senses are extremely sensitive, and this is especially so with the smell. We can detect acetic acid (vinegar smell) at a concentration of 500,000,000,000 molecules per liter of air. But the dog beat us in this:! They can detect a concentration of 200,000 molecules per liter of air!
There has been considerable debate for many years about the existence of a sense similar to the smell that can detect the presence of molecules called pheromones. Many animals can clearly smell the presence of a potential mate over long distances. People can certainly smell other people - but is there a special smell that is not really a particular aroma, but leads us to feel, well, these special feelings of "I love you"? . I think not, but there are many who disagree with me.
The skin actually has three types of sensations: pressure, temperature and pain.
The pressure is a matter of mechanical distortion, the twist of a "hair" of a hair cell. Not really a hair, of course, but an extended version of a dendrite. When folded, the tension causes the opening of pores, ion exchange, and, of course, the firing of the neuron. There is, anyway, three different types of receptors of pressure: light touch, pressure and vibration.
The temperature seems to have a direct influence of heat or cold to open certain ion channels. We found three: one for the cold, another for warmth, and one for the extreme heat. Perhaps you also for the extreme cold or even the templadez.
Interestingly, menthol can also activate cold receptors, and makes us think we are feeling cold When did not. It is also peculiar that when we play a "thermal grill" - a surface alternating hot and cold lines - do not feel neither hot nor cold, but pain!
Skin sensory neurons
Talk of pain separately, but basically, the pain is a matter of detecting certain chemicals that indicate tissue damage. With the pain is also classified itching and tingling. Interestingly, there is a substance called capsaicin that acts on pain receptors in the same way it does real damage. It has been found in things like jalapeno peppers, as mentioned above.
Kinesthetic Sense
The kinesthetic sense is based on receptor neurons of the muscles and joints that basically work on the mechanical principle of distortion. Some of these receptors are hair cells, while others are spindles start to fire when stretched.
Vestibular Sense
The vestibular sense tells you where "up", how is your body in relation to "up" and how your body is moving in space. The feelings are based on hair cells. In the inner ear, there is a special configuration of three semicircular canals around a central area. In the semicircular canals, the fluid motion when you turn causes gelatinous lumps called domes join each other, which causes the hair cells also join. The three channels are oriented approximately 90 degrees from each other, and that information makes you spin in three dimensions.
The vestibular sense is also connected to parts of the brain that tell you when it's time to throw. This is the cause of motion sickness.
If you tour a lot and then stop suddenly, the feeling lasts for a bit, and you think you're still spinning, but in the opposite direction. Your brain may try to compensate for this, and make you fall or at least feel dizzy.
You can also confuse these channels when you take a shower and hot and cold water enters your ear. Temperature changes can cause fluids to move and feel like they revolve, and then you may feel dizzy.
The two central areas of the body also have hair cells, hair cells are embedded in gelatinous lumps called the macula, which were taken in one direction or another, depending on if you're on your back, leaning to one side or another, or making pine. The inclination of the new hair cells send signals to the brain which interprets them accordingly.
Macula and dome
Ear (Hearing)
The ear is also a matter of hair cells. Surely you remember the basic structure of the ear: The external ear canal leads to the eardrum, a thin tissue stretching from the opening. Below the tympanum, there is a sequence of three tiny bones that amplify the vibrations of the eardrum. These end in another thin tissue that encloses the true organ of hearing, called cochlea. Is actually a tube, first folded in half, then turned in a spiral, and filled with fluid.
Section of the cochlea
Through this tube, there is a membrane that moves according to the patterns of waves in the fluid. Have hair cells growing under it, and these hair cells send messages to the brain wave patterns and changes it detects. This may sound pretty complicated, but the description is really very simplified.
The vision is different from all other senses. Involves receptor neurons that are sensitive to light. Light enters through the pupil and lens of the eye and is projected onto the dark surface of the eye called the retina. The retina is composed of, inter alia, receptor neurons called rods and cones.
Rods and cones
The rods are sensitive to a wide range of light, p. Eg tell us about "white." Contain rhodopsin, a substance that is sensitive to light. Note that a crucial part of this material is derived from vitamin A. Substances break when exposed to light and release a protein (opsin) which eventually releases a neurotransmitter to send messages to the brain ("no light"). After the released products are reconstructed in rhodopsin.
The cones are similar, but include a substance called iodopsina, which is sensitive to specific wavelengths, depending on pigments associated with them. One type of cone responds to red, one green, and one blue. Again, a protein (retinina) leads to the release of neurotransmitters, etc.
The rods are more sensitive than cones. This is why you see in black and white when there is not much light. Nocturnal animals tend to be color blind, that is, they do not have cones, for them the color is of little use while the high sensitivity if it is. Also, nocturnal animals usually have a bright background in the retina that reflects light back to the sticks called tapetum. It is usually made of tiny crystals. ! It is for this reason that cats and other animals reflect light in your eyes!
As with all the senses, vision is much more complicated, but for now we can serve know this.


The term means of communication (from Latin medius), which in this is between two things, in the middle of something or between two ends) [1] refers to the instrument or form of content which makes the process communication or communication. The term usually used to refer to the mass media (MCM, mass media or mass media), but other media such as telephone, are not massive but interpersonal.

The media is constantly evolving tools. Most likely the first form of communication among humans was that of the signs and signals used in prehistoric times, [2] whose reflection in the material culture are different manifestations of prehistoric art. The appearance of writing is taken as a landmark of the beginning of history. From that moment, the economic and social changes were encouraging the birth and development of different media, from those related to writing and mechanization (fifteenth-century printing-) to the media linked to the age of electricity (first half of the twentieth century) and the revolution in information and telecommunications (STR or third industrial revolution "since the second half of the twentieth century-), each of which are essential for different stages of the process called globalization .

Seasons of the year!!!


Months of the year!!



Climate is the long-term effect of solar radiation on the surface and atmosphere of the rotating Earth. The easiest way to interpret it in terms of average annual or seasonal temperature and precipitation.
The areas of land and sea, to be so variable, they react in very different ways to the atmosphere, which runs constantly in a state of dynamic activity. The daily variations in a given area define their climate, while climate is the long-term synthesis of these variations (both can be considered subdisciplines of meteorology). The climate is measured by thermometers, rain gauges, barometers and other instruments, but their study depends on the statistics. Today such statistics are performed competently by computers. However, a simple summary of long-term climate change does not provide an accurate representation of the climate. For it is necessary to analyze the patterns of daily, monthly and yearly. The climate change research in terms of geologic time is the field of study of paleoclimatology, which requires tools and methods of geological research.
The word climate comes from the Greek klima, referring to the inclination of the Sun In addition to the effects of solar radiation and its variations, the climate is always under the influence of the complex structure and composition of the atmosphere and the mechanisms by which it and the ocean heat transport. Thus, for any given area of ​​the Earth should be considered not only the latitude (which determines the inclination of the Sun), but also its altitude, soil type, distance from the ocean, its relationship with mountain and lake systems, and other similar influences. Another consideration to keep in mind is the scale: macroclimate term refers to a large region, meso-climate, to a smaller one, and microclimate, a tiny area. For example, you can specify that a good microclimate for growing plants is there in the shelter of large shade trees.
The weather has great influence on vegetation and animal life, including humans. Plays a significant role in many physiological processes, from conception and growth of living beings to health and disease. Humans, in turn, can influence the climate by changing their environment, either through altering the Earth's surface by the emission of pollutants and chemicals such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere .

The magic of reading

"to read before he opens a world of wonderful experiences, we will shed his ignorance, understand the world and owning your destiny. "
Karen Zelan


TEACHERS have a very important task, "teach reading" in a manner where students see reading as an art in which you will discover secrets, time travel, meet different cultures and customs of our ancestors, acknowledging historical facts seem quite an adventure and where Little Red Riding Hood, the hare and the tortoise want to let a nice education for life. But if we present reading as a skill to decipher, will be a meaningless activity and whether the texts with which they learn to read no possibly meaningless "the magic of reading is lost"
This important task is responsible not only for teachers, parents should raise children's interest in reading from an early age, reading as many children and fantastic stories finding the joy of reading

The Animals

The numbers

This video it's very creative and funny for learning to childrens.

Gifted Children

    The problem of the gifted has faced some stereotypes that favor it at all, so it is said that

  Physically weak, socially inept and emotionally unstable when

     in reality have exceptional health, are socially active and responsible.

  They are supermen but in reality possess exceptional skills

     some areas, accompanied by significant shortcomings.

  Bored and often rebel against school even like school and whether

     reveal is to draw attention.
All are good but some just dominate one or a few areas.

  Score high on intelligence tests, although the CI is just an indicator.

Succeed without any special support. Only some have success, as most

     can not develop their potential.

  Between 3% and 5% of the population is gifted, but the percentage depends

    the definition adopted.

Giftedness is a trait evident in a stable and stable throughout

    life, but some develop their capacity very quickly and others are not detected
Characteristics of gifted children

    Also you can make the child vulnerable:

· Observe critically, analyzing, incredulous.

· Your responses are strong and show leadership.

· Have an independent perception of himself and the world.

· They are individualistic and therefore seek freedom.

· It is persistent.

Has a rich vocabulary and a high retention capacity.

· Originality.

· Some tendency to scholarship.

· Thought logical.

Nutrion in Children

Food Groups

Surprising to some parents and kids, most (but not all) of the above foods fit into one or more food groups. The foods that don't fit into a food group, like soda and candy, count as discretionary calories. Other foods, even pizza and french fries, fit into one or more of the five primary food groups:
  • Grains - grains, especially whole grains, are good sources of fiber, iron, magnesium, selenium, and several B vitamins, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate. Refined grains, such as white bread, white rice, non-whole grain pasta do not have as much fiber as whole grain varieties. Grains include foods made with wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, and barley, etc., such as bread, pasta, breakfast cereal, popcorn, tortillas, and oatmeal.

  • Vegetables - Vegetables are usually a good source of fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Keep in mind that kids should eat a variety of vegetables from each of the 5 vegetable subgroups:
    • Dark green vegetables
    • Orange vegetables
    • Dry beans and peas
    • Starchy vegetables
    • Other vegetables

  • Fruits - most kids like fruits, which are usually a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and folate. Although 100% fruit juice counts as a fruit in this food group, remember that it is almost always better to eat whole foods.

  • Milk - this food group is important because it provides kids with calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and protein in their diet. It includes milk, cheese, yogurt, and milk-based desserts, such as ice cream, frozen yogurt, and pudding made with milk. In general, parents should choose low-fat milk products that do not have added sugar. For example, 2% milk would be better than whole milk with chocolate flavoring.

  • Meat and Beans - in addition to meat and dry beans, this food group also includes poultry, fish, eggs, and nuts (including peanut butter), which are usually a good source of protein, iron, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, and several B vitamins, including niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and B6. Unless you choose lean or low-fat meat and poultry, food from this food group can also be a source of extra fat.

  • Oils - although not a real food group, oils and fats are an important part of your diet - both because you need to eat some of them and because you don't want to overdo it. In general, your kids should eat mostly polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oils and fats, avoiding saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol.

Programs TV

Dora is a girl of 7 who, with her ​​friend Boots 5, has to go find something that has lost it or boots to help fulfill something. The drawing has a similar format to an interactive computer game. One of the objectives is to teach the English language enjoyable Spanish-speaking children.



almond almendra
apple manzana
apricot damasco
banana banana/plátano
blackberry mora, zarzamora
blueberry arándano
cherry cereza
chestnut castaña
coconut coco
date dátil
fig higo
grape uva
grapefruit pomelo/toronja
hazelnut avellana
lemon limón
lime lima
mango mango
melon melón
morello cherry guinda
orange naranja
peach durazno
peanut cacahuete, maní
pear pera
pineapple ananá/piña
plum ciruela
raspberry frambuesa
strawberry frutilla/fresa
tangerine mandarina
watermelon sandía


Sometimes the toughest thing about feelings is sharing them with others. Sharing your feelings helps you when your feelings are good and when they aren't so good. Sharing also helps you to get closer to people you care about and who care about you. When people talk about feelings, they sometimes use the word "emotions."Focusing on Your Feelings.

HOUSE room
dining room
living room
sitting room
letter box
flat (GB)
apartment (US)
DINING ROOM dining room
living room
sofa / settee (GB)
KITCHEN  kitchen
microwave oven
washing machine
ironing board
liquidizer (GB)
blender (US)
waste bin
tea towel
frying pan
pressure cooker
tin opener
cutlery drawer
coffee maker
BATHROOM  bathroom
soap dish
towel rail
bath mat
toilet paper
hair drier
safety razor
electric razor
shaving foam
BEDROOM  bedroom
bedside table
bedside lamp
chest of drawers
alarm clock

Parts of the body

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

The colors

PINK is the color of the flowers.

 BLUE is the color of the sky.

YELLOW is the sun.

BLACK is a dark color.

GREEN are the trees.

BROWN is the color of coffee.

GRAY is a color.

RESIDENCE is the butterfly.

BLACK WHITE color contrast.


La letra A tiene forma de montaña con un palito en medio
Abeja empieza por A

La letra E es como un 3 pero al revés
Elefante empieza por E
La letra I tiene forma de palito.
Insecto empieza por I
La letra O tiene forma de círculo.
Oveja empieza por O.
La letra U tiene forma de vaso
Universo empieza por U